Losing a loved one or a friend can have devastating effects on your mental health. It is painful to lose them through a medical fault such as using the wrong procedure during surgery. Death affects our physical and emotional well-being. Most people do not know how to deal with grief every time it hits their family. But it is vital to recognize that the death of a loved one or friend can affect you and know how to conduct yourself accordingly. You will no doubt be shocked to lose your friend or loved one unexpectedly just because the doctors made a mistake when doing their surgery. This article will discuss the emotional impact of losing a loved one that you need to know.

Mental Reactions Associated with Losing a Loved One

According to mental health experts, it is essential to take care of your mental and physical health after losing your loved one. We will discuss some of the emotional reactions that most people experience when they lose their loved ones as discussed below:

-Increased Adrenaline

This is one of the flight responses in case your body has a crisis like the death of your loved one through a bad surgery. An increase in adrenaline hormone causes your heartbeat to accelerate. These reactions can be uncomfortable and disturbing to the person who has lost a loved one.

-Emotional Numbness

According to funeral experts, people who lose their loved ones do not appear to be emotionally affected at first. This is because they are detached from their lives and continue living in a dreaming state. This feeling comes from the shock they experience after losing a loved one. The duration taken in this numb phase depends on an individual. Trying to assimilate the reality of losing your partner at once is painful.


Most people only associated sadness with death, without talking about anger which is also connected to the loss of a loved one. You may become angry because your loved one lived a
careless life despite you offering guidance and the support he required in his lifetime. But all these feelings are all natural and normal, but if you are finding it hard to control your anger, then you need to search for a therapist to counsel you.


In the final stage of grieving you may feel blame towards the parties that caused the loss of life. In truth, you may have legitimate reasons for these feelings. If a loved one the victim of medical malpractice which resulted in death, you may be entitled to some compensation for the negligent actions of the medical staff or facility. Contact the lawyers at Hastings Law Firm to receive a free case consultation. Nothing can bring your loved one back, but justice can be served in a court room.


There are certain tips that can help you cope with the emotional impact of losing a loved one as outlined below:

  • Do regular exercises try to go for nature walks or doing some workouts on a daily basis.
  • Get adequate sleep during the night around 7 to 8 hours daily.
  • Register with a support group who have members who have undergone the same problem that you are currently experiencing.
  • Visit friends or relatives who can offer your emotional support that you require.
  • Explore a completely new skill such as joining a catering college or joining several clubs that are within your region.
  • This article will help users to know the Emotional Impact of Losing a Loved One and how they can prepare themselves to handle that loss.